60 Must-Read Health and Fitness Blogs for 2012


Pedal perfect: Bikers shed spandex to inspire new riders

People gather in downtown Decatur before setting off to ride, including Jae Schmidt, pictured with hat, the owner of Houndstooth Road bicycle boutique, who helped organize the event.


I saw this article and want to share. This type of event breaks down barriers brings people together and reminds one that cycling and wellness can be for anyone – it’s never to late to start. It’s always good to have options. Imagine if you can get fit at the same time as having fun. Perhaps your entire direction will change completely. Personally I have always loved a good cycle however since changing my lifestyle to the whole food plant based one and losing all the weight I have my cycling time and adventures has increased dramatically. The fitter I become the further I can go the more weather I can take (rain, wind, winter) and it just keeps on getting better. Definitely many more people should be opening up to cycling – its a natural progression in my opinion to have as your only set of wheels (do Zip Car for example if you need one) or to have on. The rewards are as easy as getting on your bike and heading out there …

Sunset Seabreeze II

Nature’s Design – Photo by Suzanne

A very beautiful Vancouver day. Today was a pretty bright sunny cold day. I found myself on my bike in our beautiful Stanley Park towards nightfall enjoying a cascade of final fall colors of trees and leaves and an abundance of fresh air. The sunset gave this show for those of us watching.  Here is an image (altered) with my bike etched into the image. that I collected along the path of today’s bike ride. I will put up a few more to share. Hope you enjoy them. Vancouver, BC November 8, 2012.

Sunset Seabreeze I

Nature’s Design – Photo by Suzanne

A very beautiful Vancouver day. Today was a pretty bright sunny cold day. I found myself on my bike in our beautiful Stanley Park towards nightfall enjoying a cascade of final fall colors of trees and leaves and an abundance of fresh air. The sunset gave this show for those of us watching.  Here is an image (original untouched) with Vancouver Island etched into the background that I collected along the path of today’s bike ride. I will put up a few more to share. Hope you enjoy them. Vancouver, BC November 8, 2012.

First Snow Ride

Yesterday’s photo show wind blown rough seas exhilarating ride today we have snow capped mountains -WHAT??? – sunshine fresh dair and these images taken along the same route a day apart. Love living in Vancouver.


cycle the park on a deep autumn late afternoon is way more fun that all the reasons why I couldn’t do it .. so glad I pushed out and got the story ..

Fresh Air Funcycle

In the park on fresh windy afternoon few people and lots of nature energy plenty to see.

Red Coat Blue Umbrella

Strong legs


Love my ride

Powerful Peddler

Photos by Suzanne

Great workout for legs butt lungs heart skin mind and spirit. Cycling on stormy conditions is so good for challenging you beyond.
End of the ride around the park through gusting wind blowing autumn leaves in circles to powerful jet of wind blowing on the western shore of the part through a rain that felt like winter is coming to sunshine and warmth. What an amazing ride. I did this ride by myself as I often do and its just such a shot of nature energy and every time is something different and special. This ride was today’s outdoor stairmaster instead of the gym. Man I feel so good I could do it all again. It’s always good to have options and switch things up on yourself – surprise yourself – little personal challenges go a long way to transformations.

Part of Nature

Photos and artistic design by Suzanne

My bike is part of nature as it brings nature and me together. I believe this is a feeling regular cyclists get. I am not talking about the bike for commuting here I am talking about the bike for fun and connections to many many elements that you would otherwise miss out on. Here we are at sunset along the Stanley Park seawall last month. My whole family has embraced cycling more than ever before. We love cycling and will take any chance to jump on and go for a ride. No excuses no reasons why not. All reasons point to yes lets. I highly recommend everyone take a chance and make a connection with a bike. The wind on your face is like a reikki treatment by nature. With our new found bodies of energy cycling is a breeze and we just love it rain or shine day or night we have moved way beyond a once in a while to a lifestyle. Its awesome.

Stress Buster

I took this photo at the end of a 1.5 hour ride on a beautiful crisp autumn afternoon TODAY. My legs are so strong these days it’s scary FUN – that’s my leg!

The Vegan lifestyle has afforded me weight loss and rebounding energy that I feel like I did when I was 20. So not only am I am able to do my stairs at the gym also I can add in a sweet ride. Soon you discover there is so much to discover as you lose weight you naturally and easily start to get into new streams of consciousness and those streams lead you to untold new discoveries. What no longer was working moves aside as new strides take shape including your legs ladies!!!

I started at the gym walking on the treadmill to running on the treadmill to the stairmaster. I could not do on any of those machines what I can do today and here is the kicker – it’s the change of the food completely that youthed me and turned things around. The change to Vegan drove home the significant changes that I am empowered with today.

Get out of your car out of your TV out of the malls (haven’t been to a mall in more than a year now – high five to me – never liked shopping anyway) into the Vegan lifestyle and all the changes will appear if you want to see them.

So much fun in all that fresh air with a huge stress buster that blows out anything else I have discovered to date.  Freedom lays in the whole food plant based lifestyle.