Guide to ‘Re-Seeing’ How Much You Eat

Food portions is a very important topic when it comes to calories and wellness. Our food portions have reduced significantly since becoming Vegans. We have really noticed the change of portions to the whole food plant based lifestyle that came naturally and without force. The better we eat the less we eat it was just a natural turnaround. Our plates have become smaller and we use bowls more. We just love the smaller portions the less washing up and the amazing energy we get from our good food.

60 Must-Read Health and Fitness Blogs for 2012

Farmers Pal – An awesome website for Organic, Sustainable Local Directory in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Australia

Farmer's Pal

organic farmsorganic grocers and marketsorganic lifestyleorganic online shoppingorganic products

USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK

Canada Shared by Canadians – Come Check Us Out

When I saw this I just had to share with you today. This is my random act of fun to share fun from Canada eh! Check us out!

If you enjoyed a taste of the short clip you will love the real deal on the long version here.

Come visit Canada we are having so much fun eh!

Quote of the Week

“Whatever you do, you need courage. Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to the end, requires courage. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.” Ralph Waldo Emerson


Sixty 60-Second Tips to a Healthier You

Sixty 60-Second Tips to a Healthier You

Sixty 60-Second Tips to a Healthier You

A minute goes by like that (finger snap), but it’s more than enough time to do something that will help you feel good.
On any given day, we might not have an hour to go to the gym, 30 minutes to prepare a home-cooked meal, or 15 minutes to read. But who can’t find a minute here or there?

There are many things we can do that are good for us that take 60 seconds or less. Don’t believe it? Take a minute to read our list of 60, all practically guaranteed to make you feel good almost instantly. Ready. Set. GO!

  1. Drink a glass of water.
  2. Take 10 deep breaths.
  3. Think of something you’re grateful for.
  4. Scratch your dog’s belly.
  5. Pet your cat.
  6. Eat an apple.
  7. Swivel your hips.
  8. Shimmy your shoulders.
  9. Write a thank-you note.
  10. Call your parents.
  11. Do a yoga pose and hold it.
  12. Sprinkle a spoonful of flaxseed in something you’re about to eat.
  13. Hug someone you love.
  14. Hug someone you kinda, sorta like.
  15. Hug someone you don’t care for one bit.
  16. Sign up for an art class.
  17. Balance on one foot for 60 seconds.
  18. Balance on the other foot for 60 seconds.
  19. Floss your teeth.
  20. Schedule a complete physical.
  21. Eat a handful of almonds.
  22. Tell a joke.
  23. Do 60 jumping jacks.
  24. Close your eyes and think of nothing.
  25. Listen to one good song.
  26. Sing along to one good song.
  27. Dance to one good song.
  28. Eat a tomato like it’s an apple.
  29. Give someone a minute’s worth of your undivided attention.
  30. Make a cup of tea.
  31. Pay someone a compliment.
  32. Pay yourself a compliment.
  33. Jump rope.
  34. Do 10 push-ups, on your knees if you have to.
  35. Do 10 sit-ups, crunches if you have to.
  36. Make a list of your five favorite songs.
  37. Meditate.
  38. Try a vegetable you think you don’t like.
  39. Stretch and yawn, even if you’re not sleepy.
  40. Read a poem.
  41. Lie on the floor with your legs up a wall.
  42. Call your congressman about an issue that’s important to you.
  43. Spin a hula hoop around your waist, neck, or each arm.
  44. Read the first page of a new book.
  45. Make a list of your five favorite movies.
  46. Strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know.
  47. Make a paper plane and launch it.
  48. Take a multi-vitamin.
  49. Do 10 squats.
  50. Give yourself a temple massage.
  51. Bend forward at the waist and hang.
  52. Yodel.
  53. Gargle.
  54. Try to balance standing on your tippy toes.
  55. Eat a handful of berries.
  56. Open a window and take a breath of fresh air. Even if it’s January.
  57. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot. Even if it’s January.
  58. Look up into the branches of a tree.
  59. Send a check to a good cause.
  60. Wash your hands.

Peace on Earth … and in your life ..

Taking tips from other cultures can help you de-stress and relax.

I saw this little story and thought it a good one to share for everyone perhaps as a reminder perhaps as an ah ha. Simple ideas, ways we may already know and do. Especially as we move into December just a little reminder to take time for yourself to unwind.

  • Those in other countries have many rituals to help them relax
  • You can take a page out of their book, especially during the holidays
  • Indulge in a quick massage, a sauna or some togetherness with friends