Guide to ‘Re-Seeing’ How Much You Eat

Food portions is a very important topic when it comes to calories and wellness. Our food portions have reduced significantly since becoming Vegans. We have really noticed the change of portions to the whole food plant based lifestyle that came naturally and without force. The better we eat the less we eat it was just a natural turnaround. Our plates have become smaller and we use bowls more. We just love the smaller portions the less washing up and the amazing energy we get from our good food.

60 Must-Read Health and Fitness Blogs for 2012

Canada Shared by Canadians – Come Check Us Out

When I saw this I just had to share with you today. This is my random act of fun to share fun from Canada eh! Check us out!

If you enjoyed a taste of the short clip you will love the real deal on the long version here.

Come visit Canada we are having so much fun eh!

Pedal perfect: Bikers shed spandex to inspire new riders

People gather in downtown Decatur before setting off to ride, including Jae Schmidt, pictured with hat, the owner of Houndstooth Road bicycle boutique, who helped organize the event.

I saw this article and want to share. This type of event breaks down barriers brings people together and reminds one that cycling and wellness can be for anyone – it’s never to late to start. It’s always good to have options. Imagine if you can get fit at the same time as having fun. Perhaps your entire direction will change completely. Personally I have always loved a good cycle however since changing my lifestyle to the whole food plant based one and losing all the weight I have my cycling time and adventures has increased dramatically. The fitter I become the further I can go the more weather I can take (rain, wind, winter) and it just keeps on getting better. Definitely many more people should be opening up to cycling – its a natural progression in my opinion to have as your only set of wheels (do Zip Car for example if you need one) or to have on. The rewards are as easy as getting on your bike and heading out there …


Peek-A-Boo: Spotted and Photographed by Suzanne

I saw this image on one of our summer rocky beach walks. I turned around and there was this peek-a-boo smiley face winking at me. How cool is that! Right place right time perhaps even right message. Love the green hair. Made me smiles!Perhaps you see something else. This photo is taken as is designed by nature intended on June 16, 2012.