Today is a Gift – a Short Video about Gratitude


My friend Susie sent this beautiful video clip to me. I am very grateful she is in my life even far away I know she is there. Susie sends me interesting articles such as this one. I hope you enjoy this too and perhaps it makes your day.

The full clip is on if you want to see the entire clip with introduction by Louis Schwartzberg.

60 Must-Read Health and Fitness Blogs for 2012

Farmers Pal – An awesome website for Organic, Sustainable Local Directory in USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Australia

Farmer's Pal

organic farmsorganic grocers and marketsorganic lifestyleorganic online shoppingorganic products

USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK

Canada Shared by Canadians – Come Check Us Out

When I saw this I just had to share with you today. This is my random act of fun to share fun from Canada eh! Check us out!

If you enjoyed a taste of the short clip you will love the real deal on the long version here.

Come visit Canada we are having so much fun eh!

A New Earth – Awakening to your Life’s Purpose – Eckhart Tolle

Recently our family decided to dedicate one hour each Monday to take the journey with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah towards the Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.

I have done this series when it aired a number of years ago however this book and this series is still very relevant to today including a new generation of people seeking new ways to their Life’s Purpose.

The series is 10 chapters diving into the writing with Eckhart himself explaining. There are live skype in’s and email questions with people around the world which really help navigate the depth of the writing.

Eckhart Tolle is humble purposeful real and honest. He shares his own life challenges and gives listeners a soft reality check with helpful concepts on handling varieties of situations. Together with Oprah driving the series this is excellent for anyone wishing to move forward to the present. Perfect for families, those suffering pain of any sort filled with wisdom that can be taken right away to your world.

If you have read the book or done the amazing series with Eckhart and Oprah this is a lovely reminder and perhaps as I believe we all are in a new place called The Present or Right Now and this will help you today.

I have included Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 as we have completed both. You can go at your own pace of course and I am thinking that I will put up each chapter as we are done so you don’t miss out.

Are you ready to awaken to your life’s purpose? Watch the first class of the A New Earth webcast with Eckhart Tolle. Oprah and Eckhart Tolle discuss Chapter 1: The Flowering of Human Consciousness and what it means to be present in each moment.

Chapter 2 of Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth deals with understanding the role of the human ego. Oprah and Eckhart Tolle discuss how to separate your true identity from your ego’s attachments in this webcast video.

Take time to be present and enjoy. Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this series together including of course Eckhart Tolle and Oprah.

Ten Simple Ayurveda Tips for Life Long Health

Bridging Ayurveda with Conventional medicine

“A balanced mind connects body and spirit in a harmonious relationship! Harmony in mind-body-spirit promotes a true state of health, peace, and happiness.”- Rakesh

Scientists: Plant-Based Diets Can Cure Chronic Diseases

A recent article in Science Daily extols the latest research suggesting that a plant-based diet can cure and prevent chronic diseases.

I saw this article from Mercy for Animals to share with you. I have personally discovered the fountain of youth is in the plant based whole food lifestyle. This is not a diet for a short time this is a lifestyle for a lifetime. I believe from my results that once fully adopted brings incredible benefits to all bodies.

Myself I had a massive uterine fibroid that grew over several years to be so big it was crazy embarrassing. To note: I thought I ate well with only small amounts of animal consumption and rare if ever fast food e.g. I have not been to McDonald’s or those types of places for many years (10+).  As much as possible I ate mostly organic foods, I did yoga, hot yoga, gym workouts, weights, circuit training and my weight kept climbing and the fibroid kept growing and my weight didn’t move much. My body wasn’t well and other elements were showing such as high cholesterol levels and weight gain.

My doctor sent me to variety of tests and options for removing this beast that had grown in me. For me surgery was going to be my last option and the final piece that fell into play was to be a Vegan to turn to a full whole food plant based lifestyle.

I kept thinking why is this growing in me, what is causing this, something has to be triggering this growth? What is it? I changed to organic chicken, turkey, beef but that didn’t help. As soon as I moved to the vegan lifestyle right away things started to change – my body cleansed and cleansed and cleansed itself for months and now today 15 months later my tummy is flat my health is stellar my skin is beautiful I feel fantastic I have lost 40lbs I have amazing energy levels and the fibroid is so tiny if not fully gone that I can wear hip fitted clothes and step out like a rock star. A whole new me emerged.

No surgery no drugs no doctors no vitamins no hormone driven foods no production line skin care no animals and no animal products (milk for example is hidden in many “products” like sauces and even potato chips????). My doctor was amazed!!

I am so happy to have this new found lifestyle I truly hope that people around the world see the vegan lifestyle and the real options for health as this lifestyle. Who wants to be in a hospital who wants to be sick who wants to be aging and going into walkers who wants all these awful diseases? I don’t think anyone does. Do it for yourself, your partners, your children first and don’t let people push you around or tease you about it. Many many changes will come and part of the change if your discipline with this lifestyle is to own the path to your health fully and always.

I took control of my own body to regain health and today at 55 years old I can do anything including cycling in the rain running on the treadmill taking the stairmaster at the gym for 30 minutes taking the stairs as much as possible wherever I go laughing and enjoying life with less stress and much more empowerment. I love this whole food plant based lifestyle.

Rice Up Against Hunger

Rice up against hunger

Fun for the whole family. Warning: its addictive 🙂 … perfect for the whole family … great for brain exercise … excellent for teaching giving … awesome learning tool … motivate your classroom … helping others where otherwise you may feel you can’t or don’t know how to help .. is wildly popular and a positive influence.

The beautiful thing is you can do this anywhere anytime. Have fun.