How a Hong Kong alley rat changed a young couple’s life

Meet the lovable Mr. Tiffany (Mr. T for short): pen thief, beer drinker, and all-around lovable rodent.

“He was a street rat, no more than a few days old. His life had begun in the grimy alley beside our apartment in Hong Kong, and to most people, he would have embodied filth and disease. But we saw instead a fragile, unknowable life, and in the three years that followed, we came to see him as no average soul.” Read more via link below ….

In between the hype from last nights US Election I saw the headline “How a Hong Kong alley rat changed a young couple’s life” and read it. It reminded me how the labels we give animals separates from what is “good” animal to what is “not good” animal.  The innocence of this story reminds us that all animals have a place that such as this story can be life changing. What this couple did was an enormous gift of giving to what society would label “awful creature that must be killed” – many others would have passed by Mr. T in repulsion yet this couple picked it up and discovered more about themselves through Mr. T than perhaps any amount of soul searching book reading lectures of offerings of human wisdom would have offered.  Hence Mr. T’s story reminds me why I became a Vegan which at first was about health which eventually turned to my life long love for animals now labeled by society into categories of what is a pet for us what is food for us and what we should be scared of.

Thanks so much for the inspiring story.

A New Earth – Awakening to your Life’s Purpose – Eckhart Tolle

Recently our family decided to dedicate one hour each Monday to take the journey with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah towards the Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose.

I have done this series when it aired a number of years ago however this book and this series is still very relevant to today including a new generation of people seeking new ways to their Life’s Purpose.

The series is 10 chapters diving into the writing with Eckhart himself explaining. There are live skype in’s and email questions with people around the world which really help navigate the depth of the writing.

Eckhart Tolle is humble purposeful real and honest. He shares his own life challenges and gives listeners a soft reality check with helpful concepts on handling varieties of situations. Together with Oprah driving the series this is excellent for anyone wishing to move forward to the present. Perfect for families, those suffering pain of any sort filled with wisdom that can be taken right away to your world.

If you have read the book or done the amazing series with Eckhart and Oprah this is a lovely reminder and perhaps as I believe we all are in a new place called The Present or Right Now and this will help you today.

I have included Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 as we have completed both. You can go at your own pace of course and I am thinking that I will put up each chapter as we are done so you don’t miss out.

Are you ready to awaken to your life’s purpose? Watch the first class of the A New Earth webcast with Eckhart Tolle. Oprah and Eckhart Tolle discuss Chapter 1: The Flowering of Human Consciousness and what it means to be present in each moment.

Chapter 2 of Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth deals with understanding the role of the human ego. Oprah and Eckhart Tolle discuss how to separate your true identity from your ego’s attachments in this webcast video.

Take time to be present and enjoy. Thank you to everyone involved in bringing this series together including of course Eckhart Tolle and Oprah.