Great Idea for a Vegan Christmas Tree


Thanks David for sending me this great idea for a Vegan Tree to make any table an interesting one. How cool is that eh!

November 1st is World Vegan Day – November is World Vegan Month

World Vegan Day

November 1944

The word ‘vegan’ and the world’s first ever Vegan Society were created in November 1944, in England, by Donald Watson and his esteemed colleagues.

Check it out: Here’s a first edition of the Vegan News from 1944. – interesting read to note even then people were talking about humans eating diseased animals created for mass consumption and how to improve health by adopting the whole food plant based lifestyle. Plus care for the planets resources and health for the entire system of our home called earth. This is an interesting look into a time capsule and still relevant today.

I am sure there are many ways to get involved in your communities and if not than perhaps you will start something. Starting in your own home is a great place to start the Vegan lifestyle for one day one month one lifestyle the whole food plant based vegan lifestyle will offer you many benefits.

Share with family and friends the importance of this month – perhaps create a challenge together and for those non-vegans reading this maybe today is your day to take the leap of faith to the vegan lifestyle that you have been wanting to.

Have an excellent World Vegan Day / Month / Life.

A Very Vegan Halloween

Be safe this Halloween and remember that most candy has alot of sugar and animal products such as milk and butter.  This is a difficult time quite likely for Vegan families with children trick and treating. Try to educate your children and keep this Halloween a Very Vegan one. Have fun too of course! I am sure the web link to has lots of great ideas for you too.

The Case for a Vegan World

It was by chance that I can across the Vegan Wikia website. There is some interesting information that may be helpful those wanna be a Vegan and of course all you already Vegans out there. I haven’t looked at it thoroughly however there seems to be posts on a number of topics of interest.

The environmental footprint reduction that comes with the Vegan lifestyle has been a significant eye opener for us in many ways. I will explore and share some of this as my blog develops for sure. The Case for a Vegan World is solid.

Phillip’s Natural World – My Heart – A Blog Share about the challenges Vegetarians and Vegans face

I found this blog post below from Phillip’s Natural World recently and thought it was a good one to share as he points out several interesting pieces about being vegan with the challenges faced including the difficulty of finding appropriate food along with other people who challenge you for eating this way with eye-rolling and the difficulties of being in hospital after heart surgery and getting the food for his lifestyle.

Phillip’s Natural World

“I started going vegetarian even before I knew I had heart disease. I couldn’t rationalize my love of animals and the environment with the meat-eating lifestyle in which I’d been indoctrinated. I’d seen enough documentaries about the industrialized animal production industry to know that it was a horrible business that I could not support.” See more at his blog which is below.