Cardboard bicycle can change the world, says Israeli inventor

Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni holds his cardboard bicycle as he poses for a photo in Moshav Ahituv, central Israel September 24, 2012. The bicycle, made almost entirely of cardboard, has the potential to change transportation habits from the world's most congested cities to the poorest reaches of Africa, Gafni, an expert in designing automated mass-production lines and an amateur cycling enthusiast, says. Picture taken September 24, 2012. To match ISRAEL-CARDBOARDBIKE/     REUTERS/Baz Ratner (ISRAEL - Tags: ENVIRONMENT SPORT CYCLING SOCIETY)

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Israeli inventor Izhar Gafni holds his cardboard bicycle as he poses for a photo in Moshav Ahituv, central Israel September 24, 2012. The bicycle, made almost entirely of cardboard, has the potential to change …

By Ori Lewis and Lianne Gross | Reuters – Mon, Oct 15, 2012