Scented Earth Drawer For Kitchens

Here is my drawer set up as a earthy feel for storage of seeds, nutritional yeast, lavender, cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne and other goodies. It’s such a great drawer to open as it offers a whiff of scents with stress free access. I have a couple of signs you can see to remind us of something. Next photo shows what one of them says.

Longevity image sits atop a bag of quinoa as a reminder of what we are doing here in this whole food plant based lifestyle – everyone loves this and the teenagers that visit are smitten with the idea – perfect! It allows a connection to the items you can touch them easily and look at them you can pick a pinch of lavender to smell – its really good for our home and our lives.

I have made significant strides in my efforts to turn my kitchen around to a beautiful Vegan kitchen. I have very little brand names/marketing left. I mostly buy bulk and turn items into jars in the cupboard. By doing this work it has afforded me the opportunity to really look a the incredible food marketing machine and make much much much better choices. Removing the marketing has given my family and friends an insight into what is possible. People open my drawers with ooooo’s and ahhhhh’s as over the year everything has taken a transformation including what’s in our cupboards. We are much better organized and purposeful with our shopping. There is a terrible problem with our supermarkets. They are not friendly places. They are places I am not talking about the companies that make amazing products I am talking about the masses of foods in those box stores and the incredible marketing that promotes people to wander around aisles leaning on buggies and filling up with emptiness for the most part and taking away people time energy and money. That is a whole other topic folks.

Taking away the marketing has given us much pleasure and a huge uptick in fun when exploring what to cook or eat. The longevity symbol I found at a thrift store for like .10 cents.

More organized less shopping more focused no animal products all vegan = money saving available time expansion opens options – we just love it!